Sunday 10 April 2016




  • Sago/saggubiyam - 1 1/2 cups (sabudana)
  • Boiled Potatoes - Two medium sized
  • Peanuts - three fourth cup, roasted, peeled and blended
  • Green chilis - 3, finely chopped or blended
  • Fresh chopped coriander leaves - 3 tbsps
  • Arrowroot powder - 1 tbsp (optional)
  • Lemon juice - half tbsp
  • Salt to taste
  • Oil for deep fry

Prepartion :

  • Wash large or medium sized sabudana and strain in the water. Sprinkle 1/4 cup of water over the sago, close the lid and keep it aside for two hours.
  • take a bowl and add boiled potatoes mashed it or gret it
  • Add sabudana in mashed potatoes bowel
  • Add blended peanut powder
  • Add Finally choped green chillis
  • Add finally chopped coriander leaves
  • Squeez lemon juice
  • Add required amount of salt and mix well 
  • Make large lemon sized balls out of the mixture or press the bowels in palm like vadas and lightly flatten them. Place them in the fridge for a few minutes.
  • Heat oil for deep frying in a heavy bottomed vessel or kadai. Once the oil turns heatt, reduce flame to medium and place three to four  vadas carefully in the hot oil.
  • Deep fry till golden brown in color and carefully remove them and place them on absorbent paper.
  • Serve warm with chutney of your choice.


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